» Poem: The pain of cutting COMMENT PLEASE |
The pain of cutting COMMENT PLEASE
written by Tainted_Soul_77705:02 AM 1/9/05As you slide the blade across your skin
I realize I'll never have this chance again
A chance to be there for you
A chance to care
You told me where you were hiding but I always replied "where?"
The chance to help. The chance to listen
I never thought it'd be my best friend Id be missin
And as I see you cry and watch you pain
I can feel the blade sliding across your skin
I can feel the tears fall down
And it hurts to know never agian will my chance come around
I never knew you didnt stop
I thought it was okay for a while but it was not.
I thought the scars healed after it was so long.
I thought it was over but I thought wrong.
I know you want to stop so bad but you just wont
I thought my words could help, but they dont
I pray to God every night and he tells me to be brave
Its just so hard to see myself looking at your grave.
Please dont let go of my hand
I do care I do understand
I know Im not soon, but dont tell me Im too late
Cause all this pain is more than anyone could take.
I watch as your world just stops
You never remember me when you say youre the only one you got.
Your rope is getting shorter and shorter but you have to be strong.
Never let go
You have to
Hold on |
All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author. Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
Cassy, I wish I would have done something soon. I wish you would stop hurting yourself, and I know youre trying. [ View Tainted_Soul_777's Profile ] [ Go to the Poetry Portal ] This Poem has been viewed 396 times
» Comments / Feedback | by Meaningless (1-9-2005 - 07:02 AM)
In your poem you say that you can understand? Did you understand what she was going through so little that you didn't even realize that this girl was still hurting herself? She must have put on a show. Tears were almost filling my eyes as I read that cause I relate to that girl. My friends have tried to have me stop hurting myself and still I do it and with every cut I dare to dig deeper. I loved your poem, it's good... |
by fallen_&_lost_angel (1-9-2005 - 07:37 AM)
great poem however i can relate to the girl in your poem and i think u barely understand wat's going on
by Cut_Wrist_Risk (1-9-2005 - 09:05 AM)
Klaie, this is the only poemt hat has ever made me cry. Not in a good way. I hate hurting my friends. I onyl wish to hurt myself. I have tried to stop....but there's no reason i find...good enuff. Especially this thing with dillon. Everything and everyone ahd a fault. You know mine. Thankyou, im tryin.-Cassy |
by Cut_Wrist_Risk (1-9-2005 - 09:06 AM)
Klaie, this is the only poemt hat has ever made me cry. Not in a good way. I hate hurting my friends. I onyl wish to hurt myself. I have tried to stop....but there's no reason i find...good enuff. Especially this thing with dillon. Everything and everyone ahd a fault. You know mine. Thankyou, im tryin.-Cassy |
by snapadoodledandy (1-23-2005 - 08:55 PM)
hey i loved your poem. IT made me relizes that i need to pay more attention to one of my friends. She cuts but she says she going to stop. I know that it's hard to stop but if i did i know she can. I've been trying to reach her and talk to her everyday but it's harder now that we live soo far from each other. But anyway the point is your poem some how made me think i need to push out other things and give more of my time to help my friend. Thanx. |
by eyes_of_misery666 (1-24-2005 - 02:02 PM)
I liked your poem, it was good. I know how she feels, I hurt myself badly also, and I know my friends are hurting too, but my world has stopped, it revolves around pain and lost memories. So I guess I know how she feels in a way... |