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» Poem: Been Catching You For Too Long
Been Catching You For Too Long
written by Morbid Angel
08:40 PM 1/9/05
Why do you keep turning your back on me,
I don't feel real anymore.
Why is it that everytime I breathe I fall.
My words get caught in my throat,
Choking on lies.
What am I running from?
Thoughts flooding from my eyes.

Tell me why I can feel it when it pierces my skin,
Tell me why I'm ugly,
Tell me why I can't be thin.
Tell me if she knows she has everything.
And tell me why you gave it to somebody else,
Tell me why she hasn't felt what I have felt.
Tell me why he loves me for what I am,
When what I am is ugly,
From the inside to the out.

Sometimes we all feel empty,
Sometimes we all feel torn,
Blood and tears?
We have plenty.
Some people don't know they're born.
Put yourself in someone elses shoes.
You don't know how it feels to lose.
Nobody but him can understand,
Rest my heart into his hand.

I've got to accept your mistakes,
Your choices and the path you take.
It's not my life to save,
It's yours to protect,
But you fucked up again.
I can't hate you for it.
You're way too perfect.
I can't watch you fade away,
Shield you from your pain,
Won't let you give your heart t someone else,
To love everything you are,
I'll keep my vows.

So I try and try again but it only tears us apart,
You want me to leave you alone?
I'll be with you in your heart.
Am I making it worse and not helping at all?
You're happy, whether or not you fall.
But you're forgetting it's me who has to be strong,
Been catching you for too long.
You rest your weight on me and expect it to be fine,
But thats ok, I love you,
I'll catch you because you're mine.
To protect. To honour.
To follow into hell,
To send you into heaven,
If you ever fell.
I'll be here,
You're all I have left,
I'll stay here,
To catch you again.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
It's an everything poem, turned into a one thing poem sort of though...I don't know.

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