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» Poem: Joyful Girl
Joyful Girl
written by Tainted_Soul_777
12:04 AM 1/23/05
I cant do it anymore
But I have to leave on my mask
My fake image of what everyone thinks I am
When I know I'll fail at something, but everyone thinks I cant.
Im not invicible
I dont know whats so great
A poor heart destined to be blinded by her fait.
Im not flawless, and this pain has been way too long.
I can only smile so many times before everything goes wrong,
Why do I feel so bad hurting people, when everyone does it to me.
Why does no body care enough, just to plainly see
Everyone owes me nothing, but I owe myself to the world
I have to put on another fake smile
Because Im a Joyful Girl.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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