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» Poem: Death Bringer
Death Bringer
written by blackened_rose
02:58 PM 1/31/05
The empty whispers come soundlessly
Through this empty night
Everything alive has begun to flee
Reaching for your highest grasp is out of sight
This gentle mist above the land
This unheard melody singing softly
Your life held on by your own hands
Now this ghost haunts, but you wont believe

Run away from this cursed town
Think away to another night
Unto the woods, death is bound
For this you can’t begin to fight
A starless sky over head
The taunting whispers of success
You’re traveling to the land of the dead
Because these lies you can’t confess

Sing not a simple word
But look for this deadly ghost
Your future is forever blurred
Death seeks you for its host

The sound of loneliness
The crushing of your soul
The sound of hopelessness
With lies as thick as wool
Look unto this haunted land
Leave away your pain
Your sliding like the gentle sand
Taken to another place to gain

Hopeless tears drown away
As they stream down your face
Look into that unwanted day
That strives you away from this place
Hope is a story
That’s full of lies
This you do begin to see
Because life you did deny

Sing not a simple word
But look for this deadly ghost
Your future is forever blurred
Death seeks you for its host

He comes through the night
Heart black as raven
Here you come in sight
For he can hear you screaming’
Cry no more little child
Look at the things new
Death is only for a while
And look whom it’s given to

The darkness covers all
As you look to the sky
On the ground you do crawl
While wondering the reasons why
Hope is forever a fantasy
For this you do now know
All those things you didn’t see
Now only running from this next blow

Cry no more precious thing
Life is a gift, not meant to be taken for granted.
Come into my open arms
Look at not of what you did, but what life could have been

Your long black hair is moist and heavy
Your skin alone reflects the moonlight
Your beauty they did envy
For your smile was once happy and bright
But now, your hair is matted
Your corset seems to be choking you
It’s your future that you have led
Only these lies you have done onto you

His footsteps are light
They bring forth not a sound
His cape moves so willing threw the night
As for you his sward is bound
Sing not a gentle melody
For your voice is not worth taken
All those things you that lead you to believe
Has left you in this land that’s out spoken

The sweet smell of your destiny
The gentle hymn of relief
Look now at how you flee
You’ve lost all of your beliefs

Steam is formed
Produced from a simple exhale
You have now been warned
From these lies that grew into a tale
This ghost comes to haunt you
Until you can run no more
Life will be taken away from you
As you had taken his on the final score

Your dress snags on the brush
For it’s like they’re reaching out for you
Look at how you rush
When your life is at stake for the things you do
“Run!” Says the wind, “Hide!” says the night
How the ground trembles of this deadly ghost
This is your own destined fight
For this, you shouldn’t boast

The sweet smell of your destiny
The gentle hymn of relief
Look now at how you flee
You’ve lost all of your beliefs

The moon a bright orb
The wind whispering softly
Look at the things onward
Threw the forest of which you’re running
His footsteps are soft
As he fallows you soundlessly
Your sins committed in the loft
Will taunt you endlessly

Say not a simple word
Look not for help
Silence drowns out by the bird
Agony is what you hadn’t felt
The knife pierced his chest
Then you burned all his remains
You tried thinking your best
But you’re haunted all the same

Cry no more precious thing
Life is a gift, not meant to be taken for granted.
Come into my open arms
Look at not of what you did, but what life could have been

T ogether is what you’ve lost
H ere on your last strike
E verything is gone with a cost
Y ou’ve lost all you like
C ome no more unto thee
O nly look for this forgotten hope
M aybe then you’ll be able to see
E ven so, this hate you can’t cope

A life for a life, death for death
F orgotten whispers of success
T omorrow he’s only left
E ven so, you now have less
R un away unto the night
Y esterday is your deepest fear
O nly you have lost your sight
U nto the night is what brings you tears

R un away and think not about home
U nto this death does bring
N earing you to your death alone
! Look now at what the night does sing !

Think about what this does sing
I no your deepest untold sins
The truth you denied a simple thing
You’ll carry them to the grave as death begins
You think anyone will care?
You think we’ll worry when you’re gone?
Unto this land, the truthful are fair
For it’s written in the song

The village is now awakening
As the newly sun does arise
Hearing a young women screaming
No one wondering if it’s you, they’re non the wise
The day is darker then usual
And the town is smaller today
All because of a fool
Who hated life that one day

R un away and think not about home
U nto this death does bring
N earing you to your death alone
! Look now at what the night does sing !

Crows fly high in the air
Another death they suppose
But who? In this town everyone they do care
Looking threw the houses they all arose
Then, they realize that it’s you
For you’re not asleep in your bed
Shame, they’ll never know the real you
For they’ll only find you dead

A nameless body found among the trees
The hunter left not a trace
Who killed her as quietly as the breeze,
And took her from this beloved place?
Maybe it was the hunter of the land
That kills trespassers so willingly
All new that this forest was band
But pass into it, she did sadly

So many unanswered questions
So many hearts lay broken
And look at this lovely lesson
And the lies that were laid unspoken

None unto lies are loved
None unto broken hearts are saved
Nothing but things sent from above
For upon this tomb she is laid
Look at the whimpering women
Over a traitor of a soul
If only she had guts too tell what she’s broken
For love unto her by him, was only so full

Learn from a tragic lesson that came into play
For she was haunted by her own committed sins
Upon the next very tragic day
That’s were her life in death soon begins
Truth be told, is the best thing to say
For lies end up being made into something more
Look at the glory of each new rising day
For life is not to be taken for

Unspoken words of the past
Only to be laid in a tomb
Love, thought to last
Hate had only taken that room

Why waste your time lying,
About who you truly are?
When you live life denying,
Only makes your real self appear so far.
To live life in denial,
Is a wasted life to live.
Look into yourself a while
Let your soul begin to live

For look upon what happened to her
When she laid her own life down
Death over life is what she preferred
When she said not a sound
Lay unto this glory land
And look at what you hold dear
No point to lie at hand
Only proves of life you fear

Lay unto this perfect world
And look at what you treasure
Love weighs unto you untoward
And that’s your greatest measure

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
Still working on.....

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by (guest) (2-2-2005 - 10:56 PM)
This poem was amazing.

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