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» Poem: Invisible
written by Tainted_Soul_777
10:55 PM 2/5/05
So many feelings, they dont show
So many words youll never know
I understand that my life isnt worse
But I dont compare my life to yours.
My life will always be how I make it
And how people treat you in the world is how you take it.
Im sorry you dont see
My friend is still alive...
But is she really?
Ill admit
I was never hit
My moms never called me a bitch
But you dont understand
Shes been unsober way too long
She doesnt even remember who I am
My dad thinks Im stupid
And he doesnt think I know
When he says he loves me I
still wonder if its a feeling he can even show
Just because I dont have that bad of a life,
Doesnt mean I cant write how I feel
It just makes me so upsett
cause you dont even know the deal
I care too much about everyone
To ever tell you the truth
That everyones problems are my problems
And no-its just not you.
Dont mention Dillons death.
Cause that was in Gods plan
dont ever tell yourself again
That his life was in your hands.
I just care too much about people
I dont have time to worry about myself
And no the pain of cutting is nothing I could have felt.
The reason why I appear happy
Is because Im the only hope
If I express how I really feel
No one would have anyone to cope.
I hate comparing eachother
Its so fucking immiture
"Oh my lifes worse, no, mine is."
And I already know yours is for sure
I just hate being everyones shoulder
And when I need someone
Their shoulder just gets colder.
All of this doesnt matter though.
Cause no matter what -Ill always have life in my voice
No matter what Ill always be joyful
Cause I dont seem to have a choice.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
I dont mean to offend you

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This Poem has been viewed 358 times

» Comments / Feedback
by Marigold (2-5-2005 - 10:57 PM)
Good job. That is true.

by kickme (2-6-2005 - 12:47 AM)
a very good poem, one of the best ones I ever read

by Cut_Wrist_Risk (2-8-2005 - 11:31 PM)
Hmmm u dont have to be anyones sholder cause not to be bogus but I really dont rely on u at all. Sorry but I dont. and u can quit saying u do this to make ppl happy, thats why the real u cant show cause...ur not makin anyone happy. Not to be bogus im jus lettin u know. So if ur life is so bad...then kill urslef. NOT TO BE BOGUS-cass

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