» Poem: You think you know |
You think you know
written by EvilTiger01:25 AM 2/9/05You don't know my life,
You can never understand other minds,
Can you tell if it is real or fake,
Can you prove something that is just a feeling to be real but only you feel to be right.
I'm the son of lies,
My father Satan is the father of lies.
You should know him;He is well knowed.
Can you understand a True lie or a Lie True.
You don't see my past makes me....me.I been Catholic and Christian.This made me hate being brainwashed by sh*t that never truly help.I been cathoilic for 7 years and then been Christian 6 years.Their were nice people but I don't like people who think they can contral thoughts and likes and dislikes.I believe Animalism and we were made by the earth. We lie to ourselve about birth and death.
They call any person againist their belief by brainwashing saying satan is contraling you and only by asking for forgiveness;You will save another person they use their church for money or to protect people from hurting theirselves.You say don't care what people think; but you care when they hurt theirselves.Religion is a government system, I Hate.You think you know my brain; but you don't know.What I know at all.There is more about me;You don't know. |
All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author. Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
You try to contral my life but I contral my life.
I don't need your help in life.You need to care about your care.Not people you don't know.F#ck your care.I show....I don't care.You know me a little. [ View EvilTiger's Profile ] [ Go to the Poetry Portal ] This Poem has been viewed 454 times