» Poem: So Tired |
So Tired
written by blackened_rose07:58 AM 2/14/05If I smile and try, to believe
Will you love me agian, or leave?
Hello I am the lie,
Running so you can’t hide
Go Home
(short piano solo)
We all breathe
And we all die
How does that not begin to justify
(short violoin solo)
Soon I’ll wake from this dream, and live
Soon I’ll love again, for him
But somehow he knows I’m still dreaming
I know, your still here, threw all this pain and your screaming
Go Home
We all breathe
And we all die
How does that not begin to justify
(same piano solo again)
Holding my last breath, for you
Doing this because of the things, that I do
Don’t try to save me, I am dead
Truth was in things you said
That’s why I’m here
Killing my last tear
Go home
(same violin solo)
We all breathe
And we all die
How does that not begin to justify
(ends with piano/violin solo together...) |
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