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» Poem: Poetry god? My arse
Poetry god? My arse
written by sarah10087
12:58 AM 2/26/05
Poetry god? poetry master? my arse
What i see is one huge farce.
An example of how ego leads sheep
An example of which people are truley weak.
To the lies and violence, to which they succumb
Flocks of sheep, they are all one
And meanwhile im laughing with delight
Another day on this poxy site.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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This Poem has been viewed 170 times

» Comments / Feedback
by Morbid Angel (2-26-2005 - 01:30 AM)
If this site is so poxy then get the fuck off it, no one wants you here anyway...

by sarah10087 (2-26-2005 - 01:34 AM)
DO SHUT UP LITTLE GIRL! lol. it maybe poxy, but the poxicity of this site makes it all the more alluring

by Satensdaughter (2-26-2005 - 01:46 AM)
morbit, you go. at least im not the only one who dont like you sarah!!!

by Morbid Angel (2-26-2005 - 01:57 AM)
Who the hell are you calling little?! Fuck you, nobody likes you. You think you're so much better then nobody else but you're a talentless little fucktard who thinks what she does is right and anything else is wrong. You lack emotion and all things important like meaning. Fuck off and die, LITTLE GIRL.

by XVietxBunnEhX (2-26-2005 - 02:02 AM)
Sarah is a lil bitch whore she is tellin everyone their poem sux cuz she kno that we hav better poem them her SHE IS A LIL FUCKEN BITCH WHO NEEDS A FUCKEN LIFE SO SHE CAN GO AHEAD AND SUCK SOME GUYZ DICK FUCK YOU SARAH

by sarah10087 (2-26-2005 - 02:39 AM)
why you even here? the very fact that you are here means that you think you are a "poetic god", lol! settle pettle, tis only a site.

by Morbid Angel (3-5-2005 - 04:08 AM)
Oh I'm sorry, can people only read a poem with the title "poetry god" if they themselves are a poetry god?

by sarah10087 (3-8-2005 - 12:40 PM)
according to your posy, yes

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