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» Poem: Poison-[Cancer eats the heart]
Poison-[Cancer eats the heart]
written by EvilTiger
07:06 AM 2/26/05
The deadly poison of life is ready to decay my body from pain of being alive.This virus kills everything from the light.My vein is filled with acid that burns through my body by eating my flesh.This deadly cancer decays my heart beyond the grave.What I see is a snake ready to bite to strike with poison .The toxic in my blood is beyond any virus know to man to kill without a soul.
I cut my risk,
I loose my mind,
There is no cure,
Cancer eats my soul,
Cancer eat my world,
This is poison for the brain.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
No cure,
No love,
Just poison.

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