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» Poem: Brain Damage :9 COMMENTS:p
Brain Damage :9 COMMENTS:p
written by xxxxxxblackdragonxxxxxx
04:28 AM 2/27/05
I picked up your scent
As night fell
I am hot on your trail

He he he he he

Fuckin dumbass
And if you turn around
I willl slither into the blackness of the night sky
You can't see me

He he he he

Your breathing
Slowly speeds up

There's someone in my head

I pounce
Biting into your neck
Blood begins
to trickle
as I break the skin

I think it's nice

That metallic taste
The smell
He he he
You feel no pain

Its so erotic

I will devour you

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
Thanks Jeffrey Dahmer, Son of Sam, and especially John Wayne Gacy! You are all inspiring~!

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This Poem has been viewed 345 times

» Comments / Feedback
by babybug14 (2-27-2005 - 04:32 AM)
That was interesting...Great but interesting... u have a great, and powerful mind

by xXxGoNexXxInSaNexXx (3-6-2005 - 04:50 AM)
ok that was hell wierd i didnt understand that are u like a vampire or what

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