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» Poem: You Don't Understand (please comment)
You Don't Understand (please comment)
written by xxxxxxblackdragonxxxxxx
01:55 AM 3/1/05
Good things never seem to last
You were one of those good things
I thought you were my friend
You faded away and found other friends
Our lack of communication doesn't mean
That we're not friends anymore
But you obviously think so
I have thought about this for months now
You aren't the slightest bit aware
For I show no external signs
I don't have any problem with you making other friends
I just don't want you to leave me behind
You never call me anymore
And whenever I talk to you
You always say you have other plans
I know that's a lie
I have seen you by yourself at home doing nothing during that time
I recently began to talk to you more
And I began to trust you
And I began to think you were trusting me more too
I really have no other close friends
You were a special friend
It was going well today
But you just gave me a"holier-than-now" conversation
You said you joined a youth group
I am happy for you, don't get me wrong
But you have always had a narcissitic personality
I can deal with that
Most of the time
But today you really layed it on thick
I asked if you wanted to see another friend with me at lunch
You agreed
I was trusting you more and more
You were there at lunch
You said this friend leaves through this hall
I knew differently
Coincidentally this hall is where all your pals stay
I patiently waited for this friend
You began talking to everyone else
You even ignored me when i tried to talk to you
Too important I geuss
You treated me like an object
Like everyone else
My other friend never showed
I realized that you had just wanted to impress me with the other friends you have
You really are insecure
You showed me a side you had never showed me before
You really are alive for YOU
You think the world owes you
I don't want to get too assumptious
But I geuss you had changed during our communication hiatus
But you were probably always like that
You said you and I could see this friend tomorrow
But when it was time to return to class
I asked you and you said you didn't feel like it
Then you proceeded to talk to everyone else
Again ignoring me
You didn't even say goodbye when I said bye to you
You were too busy with everyone else
I felt jealous
Felt like I had been replaced
Your impersonal tone of voice said so
But I know that I must move on
You think you have outgrown me
You are just ignorant
I could be wrong
But I have known you long enough
To know when you are out to hurt someone
It hurts
I am still a bit confused
I hardly ever get closure
Because I never can find definite proof about some people's intentions
But this is troubling me
That's why I'm writing this
You don't understand
And you probably never will
With me, at least.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
A good friend I knew for a long time has changed, and I can't deal with the friendship anymore. I wrote this to find some relief through my writing.

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» Comments / Feedback
by XxXstitchesXxX (3-1-2005 - 02:17 AM)
I love the poem...fucking good

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