» Poem: Don't Look Back to Cry (please comment) |
Don't Look Back to Cry (please comment)
written by xxxxxxblackdragonxxxxxx03:01 AM 3/4/05All of those nights we had spent together
It seemed to be true love
But can you really be sure if this is meant to last
Love is such a complicated, touchy subject
We decided we needed to move on
Our paths were changing
Years passed
I saw you again
At the park on third avenue
As I recall, I was taking an evening walk during sunset
The air hung over and was almost tangible
That's when I heard you
I looked up
You were in the embrace of another man
I suddenly felt embarrassed
We had long since passed our relationship
I had mine
But I could never hold one together
You had yours
That's when you you noticed me
I approached you
We casually greeted one aother
You introduced me to your fiance
He was very friendly
But jealousy boiled over inside me
I said I really needed to go
You said you wanted me to stay and talk, but you would call soon
I was already walking off, trying to hold in my rage
I hit the bar around 11:00 that night
I wallowed in self-pity and drank until I passed out
I woke up behind the bar and returned home
Reeking of liquor
It was only 4 AM
I collapsed on my bed
Too tired to care about our earlier encounter
I awoke to the sound of sirens
I hadn't the slightest clue
Until that evening on the news
When I saw footage of police wheeling a corpse out of a house
Your house
The name of the victim was released
Hearing your name petrified me
They concluded the murderer was your fiance
I fell to my knees and realized I had been a fool
To not value your prescence when I could have
I could have shown you I at least cared
And maybe spare you for another night
Regret filled me
As I realized how much I needed you
Years have passed
To this day I still wish I had talked to you that evening
Reminiscing about times past |
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