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» Poem: El Camino
El Camino
written by xxxxxxblackdragonxxxxxx
07:29 AM 3/6/05
My life has been short
But I have lived it on the edge
And I feel past my prime
But I keep going towards the sunset
Never looking back
All behind me is black
Past influences me
I take matters into my own hands
I am used to it
I have always been the outcast
But I have become the observer through that position
Don't get the idea that i'm trying to evoke your pity
Or feel sorry for myself
I am just saying how it is for me
People around me seem to have a much easier way to get through life
But I still search for the formula of hapiness
I feel much more content to see these groups of people do their thing
But it gets lonely sometimes
And i wish that the sun would set a little quicker
For now I walk the road to my reward

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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