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» Poem: Siiver Eyes
Siiver Eyes
written by xxxxxxblackdragonxxxxxx
04:52 AM 3/10/05
Standing upon a cliff
Just before sunrise
The cool night air soothing me
The smell of fresh dew on the ground
The silver gleam of the moon in the far west
And a new sun beginning to peek over the dark yet tranquil water
The ocean playfully sprinkles water on my weathered face
With each wave that crashes into the cliff
The sounds of early morning birds and crickets
And the ocean
The moon and sky become a little lighter and the darkness fades away
The sun's radiant rays hitting me
Warming me
A show of colors
Come over the horizon
And I am once again at peace with a new day ahead

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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» Comments / Feedback
by Darkwolfgirl (3-10-2005 - 05:58 AM)
ooo very cool.

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