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» Poem: No way for me to turn
No way for me to turn
written by Tainted_Soul_777
12:18 AM 3/11/05
There is no way for me to turn
You liten up my heart and you watch it as it burns
I care about you truley and Im not even concitered as your friend
I always feel this way
and sadly I see no end.
I hate loving you and you not feeling the same.
Why do you insist on playing these little games?
You make me think theres something
And stomp on things that are there.
I think about you so much
And you dont even care.
I write these things to you
To inspire sympathy.
Just to find out
You could care less about me.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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This Poem has been viewed 351 times

» Comments / Feedback
by Distorted_Mind (3-11-2005 - 12:38 AM)
I really liked your poem. I can relate. I know how it feels to really care about someone and they could give a shit less. +_+Distorted_Mind+_+

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