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» Poem: I Will Continue To Slowly Die
I Will Continue To Slowly Die
written by suicide_penguin
04:45 PM 3/14/05
You will never truly love me
You will never truly care
And if I was right next to you
you would never truly be there

Your smiles are never real
Your tears are always fake
And when you look straight at me
Your eyes are filled with hate

I'm the stupid, selfish daughter
Who always gets bad grades
The stupid w h o r e that you messed up on
Who's scars will never fade

I'm the girl you yell at
When your day is not going right
The girl you can always count on
To put up a good fight

And when you finally realize
That you cause me so much pain
Then see I'm not the girl I seem
So stop f u c k i n g going insane!

Just for once get to know me
Tell me I have pretty eyes
But until you see my point
I will continue to slowly die

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
**This poem is about my dad, we just got in a fight, I can't take him anymore, I just need to get some feelings out.**

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This Poem has been viewed 399 times

» Comments / Feedback
by Ruined_Hopes (3-15-2005 - 09:36 PM)
people say that when i loved one passes away, they realise how much they oved them and cared for them and how they should have paid more attention to them. but why cant people realise that before they drag that razor into their skin! it goes slowly, and deeply. till blodd incaserates their arm. sorry, it just came out.

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