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» Poem: hang my heart
hang my heart
written by not_alive_nor_dead
12:01 AM 3/16/05
If you hate me
rip out my heart
Laugh as you do
while i cry

if you hate me
hang my heart
let me die
watch me die

As i fade
my hope will leak like paint
my life will flash before your eyes
you'll notice who i am

But as you watch
don't dare to stop
even if i plead for you to
you can't listen to me

I need this more than ever
i need to be healed
healed by pain and torcher
you are the only cure

Laugh at me
spit on me
cry at me
hit me

Thank you for helping me
im not here
not there
ime really absolutly nowhere

Thank you

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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This Poem has been viewed 133 times

» Comments / Feedback
by (guest) (3-16-2005 - 02:28 AM)
omg.. that remember poem is expressing EXACTLY how i feel.. I'd like to diScuSS It with you.. just get back at me!

by not_alive_nor_dead (3-16-2005 - 10:11 PM)
i hate my poetry but i love this one!!!!

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