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» Poetry Page for 47715
not_alive_nor_dead's Poetry Profile

Lastest info from not_alive_nor_dead:
ime so sick and dizzy:(

not_alive_nor_dead's bio:
hmm................... i travel everywhere.. that's all i could say

Poem TitleDate
torn in two4/17/05
three words i will need to hear4/8/05
lying to me4/3/05
away to kill3/30/05
leave this place3/30/05
i don't know me3/27/05
not right fer the holidays3/27/05
in love with an impossible figure3/26/05
just something i wrote in english3/26/05
suicide aint fun3/26/05
and i left a free person3/26/05
last few words... (suicide note)3/26/05
already gone3/26/05
lies.. cries.. goddbyes.. and then we di3/25/05
listening(by Charlene)3/25/05
ime not done3/25/05
new love, new life3/25/05
mommy mommy3/25/05
and again i'll say goodbye to you3/24/05
lifting me back3/23/05
goodbye to you3/23/05
farewell and goodluck3/23/05
once was a little me3/23/05
the rock show3/22/05
ime sorry.. now it's your turn..3/22/05
a crack i can't copmprehend (comment plz3/22/05
the ball of hate WILL kill you.. someday3/22/05
gone with the season(new version)3/22/05
yesturdays past3/22/05
steph (a suicide letter)3/21/05
if you know (comments plz)3/21/05
dead on the floor3/21/05
terri's wish...3/20/05
gone with the season (please comment)3/20/05
u got my heart (coment plz)3/17/05
if you kill..... i will kill too3/17/05
you were in my way3/17/05
slowly going3/16/05
ime crying your blood3/16/05
broken soul3/16/05
never again3/16/05
hang my heart3/16/05
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