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» Poem: if you kill..... i will kill too
if you kill..... i will kill too
written by not_alive_nor_dead
09:53 PM 3/17/05
if you kill my hope
ile kill your faith

if you kill my dreams
ile kill your future

if you kill my heart
ile make sure ile kill your life

if you kill my soul
ile kill your words

if you kill my every thought
ile kill your past

but if you kill me
ile drag you with me

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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» Comments / Feedback
by bloodlyvalentine (3-18-2005 - 06:08 PM)
nice thoughts, u asked what meh poem was about, i dont know i was just writing a whole load of fealing at the time, most of the time i dont try and make sense out of what im writing, i just write whatever comes to mind, whatever i feel. seems to work best that way.

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