» Poem: You Never Knew Me |
You Never Knew Me
written by xxxxxxblackdragonxxxxxx03:24 AM 3/18/05Every time I see you
I am filled with rage inside
Something about your personality
Has always irritated me
My feelings are not, however, without good reason
You always condescended to me
Always gave me useless advice
And... I know it is useless
It's not that i can't take advice from others
And don't think I am close-minded either
You just are not insightful enough to see me for who I really am
You see me how you want to
you have never known me for anything more than what i show
Not that I would let you know me anymore
At least not after I found out what type of person you really are
I am merely telling you what I see
Some or all of this may not be the reality
For I could know you a lot better
But I am comfortable knowing you on this level
Not because I don't want to see you as someone else
Someone that I might perecieve as a threat to my ego
I have none of these hangups anymore
I am not boasting, for you see
I am simply more mature than that
I have been very lenient with you
Because you were my friend
And I wanted to be sure i wasn't being unfair
But I eventually found that you found me a little threatening to your
And I know that I need to move on
And see the bigger picture
As much as I want closure for why you treat me like this
I know these things happen
And i finally found out that this is just your personality
And I can't change you
And I cant get along with you
So I will leave this friendship
A little wiser |
All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author. Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
To my friend who I have always had a somewhat turbulent relationship with. I like to find the reasons behind my and others' actions, it helps me find serenity. But sometimes i have to accept things that can't be explained for the way they are. I believe everything happens for a reason. [ View xxxxxxblackdragonxxxxxx's Profile ] [ Go to the Poetry Portal ] This Poem has been viewed 346 times