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» Poem: Cheap Imitations
Cheap Imitations
written by xxxxxxblackdragonxxxxxx
08:14 PM 3/19/05
Whatever happened to the original
The best
We have more movies being remade
We have more drugs to take the place of good healthy lifestyles
We have more people claiming they are of one background
Or one way
When all they really want is attention
Look at the real hippies
They wanted a better world
Then more and more jumped on the bandwagon
Just for an excuse to use drugs, have sex, and live in a constant sate
Of euphoria
We have more mind-numbing remakes of songs
And the generation who hears them
Thinks the song is the band's own
Sadly many of them never heard the original
We have goths who think they know real pain
No... they want to shock others and make others think they are living
the true reality of life
But life is whatt you make of it, so who am I to judge
So many of us say words that we think is our generation's own
But they have been around forever
And politicians who send us out to war, feeding us false hopes
Through the media
But the reality of war (even though our government hasn't declared the war in Iraq an "official" war)
Is very different
And peoples' lives becoming a pawn in a political chess game
Look at Terry Schiavo
After all
The reason we learn history in our schools
Is so we won't repeat it

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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