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» Poem: Break Free
Break Free
written by xxxxxxblackdragonxxxxxx
08:45 PM 3/19/05
Living in a state of self-pity and sorrow
Afraid to move off the island because you might drown
But it's your choice
You can starve to death and isolate yourself
Or you can try to find your back to civilization
Nothing to lose
So what if you start to sink
Find strength to fix the leak
So you get back to civilization
People stare at you and laugh
They don't know you so don't let it get to you
And if rain starts to fall
Find shelter
But dont let the rain control you
Defy this emotional gravity and find your wings
You can soar above the clouds if you try
Too hard? Nothing's impossible.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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