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» Poem: Thirty years from now
Thirty years from now
written by xxxxxxblackdragonxxxxxx
09:21 PM 3/19/05
Do you ever stop to think what your life will be like in thirty years
I always am shocked every time i realize that my parents are not
Going to live forever
It scares me more than my own mortality
I know i will someday be old too
I hate time
It heals but does cruel things too
And it is inevitable
You, I, and everyone else will eventually succumb
To the black light at the end of our road
So value the time you have now
And come to accept that things don't always last
And no material things last forever
Because we leave this world
Just as we came into it

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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» Comments / Feedback
by kryppled (3-21-2005 - 02:25 AM)
creepy...you and i think too much alike....im gunna stop viewing your poetry now............

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