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» Poem: Only Human (please comment!!!)
Only Human (please comment!!!)
written by xxxxxxblackdragonxxxxxx
04:45 AM 3/21/05
I start to think that I will live forever
That love is always how you see it
That your friends and family will always be there
But I sigh
As I realize that this is not life
I find myself looking at the sunset
At the crossroads in the country
Letting the smells
The beauty and sadness of the world around me
Entrance me
I see myself outside of my body
My spirit temporarily disembodied
And I see lives being taken with every inch the sun sets
I am an outsider
I choose to be
I like the way i can see people go about their routines
And not think a second thing about me as they drive past
Sometimes it gets lonely
And i help myself to a cigarette
Because sometimes it feels like my only companion
I want to find true happiness
But it seems I should wait until it finds me
Until then
I will try to stay strong

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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