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» Poem: ime sorry.. now it's your turn..
ime sorry.. now it's your turn..
written by not_alive_nor_dead
10:08 PM 3/22/05
you watch me bleed
i ask for help
you turn away
why can't you forgive me??

i said ime sorry
i told you the truthy
if you can't forgive me
then leave me to die

if you find it in your heart
the nplease sew me up
you know how i feel
i told you i had a reason

if you can't say sorry
or find it your heart to forgive my sorry ass
leave me alone
let me die

i found out you wanted to save me
way after you left
but your girlfirend is a biotch
and she said no

ime up in heaven
please don't go to hell
ile be up here waiting
for you to meet me again

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
ime not really gonna die but my feelings are exactlally what is written in this poem

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This Poem has been viewed 137 times

» Comments / Feedback
by xHunniBunnix (3-22-2005 - 10:49 PM)
amazingly amazingly amazingly amazingly amazing! But you know I love you poems chuck! Ha theres you "pet name" again! lol, neway love ya chuck HBxx

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