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» Poem: the rock show
the rock show
written by not_alive_nor_dead
10:27 PM 3/22/05
i was in the pit
a free spirit
i was finally happy
i was home

the band was my favorite
the music was soothing
i an only happy
when ime at a rock show

i had briuses all over my body
they hurt at every jump
i didn't care
for i was i free lands

the rock show was my heaven
a perfect life
two hours of complete freedom
i had no laws

pictures signed
t-shirts bought
i made perfect memories
for it was my paradise

i was first in line
ready to meet the guys
stunned by my normalness
friends for all time

i will never forget
the chaos in the moshpit
my happy heaven
of eternal life

my stress releaser
my eternal happiness
will never be forgotten
on my fist warped tour

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
this is about my love fer rock shows.... i am ownly happy when.... it's self explanitory lolz

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