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» Poem: once was a little me
once was a little me
written by not_alive_nor_dead
01:50 AM 3/23/05
she had no friends
she was all alone
her dad locked up
her mom on drugs

her only firend was her teddy bear
her only hope was to get outa there
all she wanted was a friend that she could count on
but those were only dreams

every night she'd cry alone
every hour she dies inside
if only her mom would learn about her daughter
and perhaps be there for her

now she's up in heaven
now she should be hppy
she found her eternal happiness
for that girl was once a little me

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
this poem is a mix of my life and a fictional charactor i drew for art it's a long story lolz(there i go again xhunnibunnix)

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This Poem has been viewed 145 times

» Comments / Feedback
by xBroken_Soulx (3-23-2005 - 02:01 AM)
i really like it its really good

by xHunniBunnix (3-23-2005 - 08:16 AM)
Wowzy wowzy WOWZ!!!! I love it! Lol yup ur lolz thing cracks my up lol! Neway you know I love ya work! Love ya chuck (there I go again) HB xx

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