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» Poem: farewell and goodluck
farewell and goodluck
written by not_alive_nor_dead
02:02 AM 3/23/05
you see smiles and alughs
but all i see is frowns and sighs of sadness
you think ime ok with this
but i know ime dying inside

you can love as many as you want
but you gotta know that you made me complete
you can think i made this end
but i know it was all from a certain word "presure"

you may think they were words of hate
but to me they are words of sacrifice
you can say that i hated you
but i know i still love you

ok these are my last words
goodbye farewell goodluck
you can take it as i hate you
but i know i will always think of you

i'll say goodbye
with my razor
and i'll see my last glance
and for sure it'll be you

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
mmmmmmmmmmm...... u should kno whoo this is bout lolz

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» Comments / Feedback
by xHunniBunnix (3-23-2005 - 08:19 AM)
AWWWWWW! I bloody envy you chuck! God you write them so well! How do you do it! Anyway wowz! Love ya chuck HB xx

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