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» Poem: mommy mommy
mommy mommy
written by not_alive_nor_dead
01:55 AM 3/25/05
mommy mommy i never said tru
mommy mommy i never loved you
mommy mommy i don't even care
mommy mommy i'll never be there

mommy mommy this is goodbye
mommy mommy don't cry
mommy mommy all i feel is hate
mommy mommy i'm going to the cemetary gate

mommy mommy with this knife
mommy mommy it'll bring strife
mommy mommy i'm saying goodbye
mommy mommy this was all a lie

mommy mommy go to hell
mommy mommy i hear the door bell
mommy mommy the devil is here
mommy mommy he wants to get you drunk on 1 beer

mommy mommy get the picture
mommy mommy i have to capture
mommy mommy i never liked you
mommy mommy nothing i said was tru


All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
never meant to ryme..... it just happened.... self explanitary

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This Poem has been viewed 169 times

» Comments / Feedback
by in_need_of_help (3-25-2005 - 02:05 AM)
hey that is really good it fits my mom too

by chazie (3-25-2005 - 02:12 AM)
not_alive_nor_dead not_alive_nor_dead let god be with u belive in ur mom DONT talk crap behind her back cause its proble not all her foult

by not_alive_nor_dead (3-25-2005 - 06:21 PM)
she knows i hate her so... it's not talking behind her back

by asdfdsa (4-10-2005 - 12:37 AM)
it fits my feelings 4 my mother too

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