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» Poem: listening(by Charlene)
listening(by Charlene)
written by not_alive_nor_dead
06:05 PM 3/25/05
is anybody listening?
am i here
or am i invisible
do they here i my call of help?

can anybody help me?
do they see my bloody spine?
i pulled the knife out already
but can they see me stumble and fall??

i decided to stay in bed
it's not like anybody cares
they can't hear me when i scream
they can't see me when i fall

would anybody notice
if i decided to leave this place
i have said goodbye
but they can't hear me

but i can't die alone
i can't die knowing i failed
but know ime scared
nobody can help!

is anybody listening?
am i here
or am i invisible
do they here i my call of help?

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
this is probably one of the worst poems you heard but my sister wrote it.. it is her first work.. she's the "happy" one of my family but i never know with her... enjoy

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» Comments / Feedback
by not_alive_nor_dead (3-25-2005 - 06:16 PM)
charlene, we all hear you... just sometimes we can't answer you.. your my sister.. you should just enjoy your life.. for god's sake you're 9.. you should be happy.. it's my job to be angry and all that jazz.. smile and put down the books... breakl the rules and get a detention.. you have time to be the prime minister of canada one day. but for now.. be 9 and enjoy being a kid.. i love you char... remmeber that no matter how i treat you i love you..... love Steph-Aa ~~~xxxxxxxxxxxxx~~

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