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» Poem: lies.. cries.. goddbyes.. and then we di
lies.. cries.. goddbyes.. and then we di
written by not_alive_nor_dead
11:30 PM 3/25/05
you know i lie
but why did you cry
when i told you good bye
to apologize.. i'd rather die!!

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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This Poem has been viewed 172 times

» Comments / Feedback
by cryptic_misery (3-25-2005 - 11:46 PM)
lmao, this makes no sense, and how is it you spelled the words right in your poem but not the title?

by not_alive_nor_dead (3-25-2005 - 11:56 PM)
i have no idea.. my hands just type and type and type and type and i don't look over my words lolz

by xHunniBunnix (3-26-2005 - 10:28 PM)
its erm..... very erm...... strange lol but tht dnt mean i dnt like it! cos i love ya chuck and ya poems! XxZoexX

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