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» Poem: Witness the curse of life
Witness the curse of life
written by EvilTiger
10:09 AM 7/31/04
People filled with hate,
People filled with depression,
Drugs are killing the world,
Drugs are the killer virus that will be the end,
Kids living in a drug life of death,
Kids living in violence that they think is fun,
Have a gun and blow your brains out or take someone with you.
Suicide will put you in hell and the person you kill will go to heaven.
Witness the curse of life,
Witness more I didn't reveal,
That is sealed.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
I'm making a book with my poems and life of stuff that will be done.I'm not showing the other poems.This last one is for now.My book will be call the "Scar of the Past".By the evil sins of life.Truly by michael j. a.k.a evil tiger.

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