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» Poem: Her Desires!
Her Desires!
written by Khaotic
07:55 PM 4/6/05
she is looking for the answers layed apon the world the wishes failed
and her desires lost into the wild passion for her dreams to come true
now she is so fragile and the world cannot see what makes her weaker
everyday the world just overlooks her as a tiny spec of life in this
world she keeps on living until the world understands what this means
to her its just a surprise each day passing by everything sealed in her
brain the innocence she didnt want to end and leave the world like they
tormented her now she is a victim to there evil they will never really
understand her just like when they thought the world was so safe and
very happy well now the world still doesnt understand to throw a life
away is like takening a bullet to the brain they take the pills just to
make themselves forget all this shit now these pills cant make the pain
truely go away now they are waiting to actualy find there own dreams
but lost in this pitful world all this shit never meant anything for
her the love never was truely found she is now gone cant forgive them
for how all this shit happend now the whole world cannot save her from
what happend just lost within this dark reality shot down by from any
help we are from a twisted world that can never accept or understand us

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
kind of about a girl.... and no I'm not a girl I'm a guy I'm not gay or anything...

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