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» Poem: Her Unknown Darkness
Her Unknown Darkness
written by Khaotic
09:53 PM 4/6/05
seeing into the darkness of her heart
the plasticness of her sin means nothing
her eyes filled with hate, what does she love
she turns to me, looks at me with a blank stare
am i totaly puzzled will i fill her delights
as i watch as the sun ends for her today
it seems i am not where i was i am near a grave
with her name on it, i see her coffin untouched
as i become puzzled why is this happening
she was the undelighted, she was the unknown
she was never found, she was never known to me
her life is erased from reality, i can believe
now noone grieves for her, noone at her funeral
as it seems i am the only one here, as i began
to drop the coffin down, i hear a voice saying
my name..., as i turn to my back the coffin drops
i see her, as my heart starts beating faster
i see she isnt dead, but how can this be she is dead

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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