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» Poem: Killer's Poem
Killer's Poem
written by Khaotic
09:48 PM 4/8/05
Verse 1:
death is on my mind
mendling in my soul
who let me out in the wild
there isnt a hold of me
i still sink the feeling
lonelyness in my head crooked mind
i just dont understand....no

Chorus 1:
yeah, no nothing is going on
ah god is the healer then why do i
remember bloody mistakes i wont ever
do again, well i...live alone again
lets kill them again, i live...hahaha

Verse 2:
the bullets want to kill anyone anything
lets drown them, come on lets drown them
lets kill them, come on lets kill them
as my thoughs defeat my sin as i go out
i'l never do it again.. i am so bad...
i kill anything, anyone, anything...

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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