Uncontrolible urge to drive on, push through the scenery that surrounds me. I need to find what makes this so sweet. I know what makes me, Myself. Its that I try. Does anyone follow me? I wallow in the sound that flips and finds its way around me. What I want is to give you the image of what I see, what I need is for you to be free. Away from the simple thoughts they implant whoever They maybe. You need self relaxtion of self thought, self taught, I am. Self brought to the poker table of life, with a blank face, and a soul full of emotions and ideas. I bleed my gift into the rift of life, time, and space, Spreading the lovly disease of Freedom. To capture that momment, of happieness, that momment of pain, that momment of love, lust, hurt, hate, rage, agony Its life...It needs to be expressed given to the God above, push, or shove. Come to staple and stich me around my wounds, feel the scars over my skin. I might sound sick. But I'm just a great brick inside the wall of names that forever stands tall. Cascading the hope of Sucess. Remember, don't repress, express, forget the distress, take what you need, share what you have. Bleed eternal from the inside out, let the float of a soul flow out. |