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» Poem: I Love You
I Love You
written by AthiestAnarchist
12:55 PM 4/12/05
So many things I want to say to you.
It's so hard to tell you when there are no words tha can discribe these feelings.
I wish I could be with you- right now.
All I want is to be in your arms.
I miss you.
I need to see you.
I can't live without you.
You are all I need.
You are all I want.
I've never felt this way for anyone before.
I love you...so much.
Even though I try, I can't find any words to even begin to discribe how I feel.
I wish I could feel your body close to mine again.
I'm missing that.
I wish I could feel your lips aginst mine.
I really miss that.
I want to feel your arms around my body again.
Oh how I need that.
All I could ever want is to be your forever.
Up until the day we die.
I know I might sound scary and cheezy but it's truely how I feel.
I love you so much, Joey.
You mean the world to me.
I'm so happy we're together.
I'm so happy that I'm yours.
I'm so happy I fell in love with you.
I love you.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
This is for my boyfriend, Joey. I love you so much!

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