I concoct an operation, in a few seconds flat, your organs are being bargained over a dealy cooperation, with a dooms day corporation, I'll have to make the deflation. Maticulent, sufficent, exactly, what had Happened, something fast, something expressive, more intese, more pretense. Fist of Rage, Fill the Cage, find the Stage, place the puppets up, pulls the strings. Your the weak, your the new, I'm the Old. boiling confrontal muse. heres the Catch, join the act, heres the note, sample the plot, widen the oath, exceptance for the Host, more than particular extra malice Falacated truths. Familar dispairing contradicting Evidence, recompense, reconsile, recompile, show the Vile, how to File the life they live, the time they need, the blood they bleed is black, the life they lead is slipping off track. I'm slicing the scene, opening the side of what they do not see. I can't help but cover the Toy, to keep it from the Ploy, later, I'll have to shower my Hostage in Sexual Mania, just to get all the Insanity off of my chest, so I can rest in the best, constant emotional tug, instead of the bone crushing hug. |