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» Poem: Honest me.
Honest me.
written by Genocide Reaper
09:19 AM 8/13/04
Considering myself to be Balanced, Careless, free. Considering my Situation. I'm trapt, stuck, pissed off, and Weary as I tread through this life, cautious of every step, I'm so affraid I'll step onto a Coiled snake in the woods of Life, so Devastated by my Loniless no one to touch, no one to change my Mood, no one to Feel, no one to hold, nothing to Do, Something is Good. Help me I would say if I wasn't so Damn Cold.. But before I ask for your Help or anyone else's I'd rather fucking Die. My Pride shall kill me.. My Ride will leave me.. I will die alone.. Cold. Standing like a Stone.. Inside of my Own Hate for myself and the Enemies I made.. What the fuck happened? What was I thinking when I answered all those questions I asked? I felt so stupid after reflecting on my own words.. I should just Burn.. Rot.. Turn into a Lifeless Carcass... I DON'T MIND!!!!!! Its better than sitting around.. wasteing away.. When you look as good as me!! Its not far for everything to...FALL AWAY!!!!

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
Nice isn't it..

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» Comments / Feedback
by SuperBob (8-13-2004 - 09:22 AM)
really very nice....a hell of a lot more emotional...that one really...wow....if i hadnt cried a few times this week...i would have definately let that one bring a tear to my eye..shut up...i'm allowed to say that...i have a vagina!...ergo i get to emotionally fucked :D

by lettesuicidalist (8-13-2004 - 10:57 PM)
I'll be honest. i havent really related to many of your poems, but this one really hit home. SuperBob is right. u practically are a poetry god. i like the way you write. its like your bareing your soul. that takes guts and many people could learn from you, expecially me.

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