Flags fly in the wind, blood can be tasted in the air tank treads roll hard dust flys junkies of genocide in the night, fire roars the sound of lead tearing flesh, skulls being crushed under the weight of a broken goverment, letters being wrote to familys your son he was a, knight of the genocide be PROUD!. Refuse to lose, never beg, kill the enemy, shed no tears for me, Im gonna die a, Knight of the Genocide!. machine gun bullets layed out in a spread, clearing the way for hell, long time passing, the concrete smashes grenades being rashioned. Lifes death strike, loves lost illusion.(,,...,,...,..,.,.,.,...,,,.,.,.,..,.,,..) In turn you will see, the immidate action of pure brute force, take the roads, assault the towns, pillage and burn lost never to return> Dead souls scream crying from pain, inside this mass of murdering machines> Stand firm! be porud! You are a Knight of the Genocide! Rideing into hell! we'll break them from the cell! |