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» Poem: Death Vampire
Death Vampire
written by Morbid Angel
04:38 PM 8/31/04
Buried beneath crumbling headstones,
Trapped in silence, embraced by darkness,
Belonging to the pain of this world,
Am I still dead or am I dreaming?
Maybe this is my resurrection,
Memories of a day long ago thats past,
When I was cursed with the dark kiss,
The kiss that killed me at once,
I remember the taste of deep red blood,
Running down my pale white face,
Reddening my lips,
A burning kiss of death

My eyes look around as I raise in the night,
Black Leather wings protrude from my back,
My breath as sharp as frozen steel,
As I breath upon your pale neck

I rise from the underworld, folding out my wings,
Flying up high through the black-blue sky,
Looking for others worthy,
To get the death kiss,
And to satisfy my hunger for blood,
I do feel again the taste of deep red blood
My lips are kissing your sweet skin,
It's the painful bite of the death kiss
The death vampires kiss

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
Wow, that was weird. That just popped into my mind.

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