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» Poem: Crazy Brain
Crazy Brain
written by EvilTiger
09:47 AM 9/6/04
Crazy way of life with madness,
Crazy brain of confusion,
You know I'm insane and not alone.
You know I should be put in a cage of solitary confinement.
People inspired by insane brains,
People who step on insects like me,
A nervous breakdown,
A gun in the face,
Whats wrong with me?
Whats wrong with you?
None of my words mean nothing to you.
None of my positive thoughts help you.
This is a nuclear meltdown,
This destroys our world,
I got you by your neck and you got me by my neck.
Time to finish it with what makes me what I am.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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