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» Top 100 Poets (by number of Poems)
Genocide Reaper | Poems:1076
Trapezium | Poems:465
Morbid Angel | Poems:464
Lovely_Suicide | Poems:359
cryptic_misery | Poems:319
XpaperdollX | Poems:319
Misery | Poems:297
Khaotic | Poems:295
Cut_Wrist_Risk | Poems:262
nicole_lyndon | Poems:260
lost_cause | Poems:229
devilchild01 | Poems:222
SuperBob | Poems:217
Xx brOken xX | Poems:192
Schizophrenic_broken | Poems:184
suicide_penguin | Poems:181
DontFearAConcequence | Poems:170
xxxvampire_loverxxx | Poems:163
melons | Poems:159
devils angel 13 | Poems:158
maledeth | Poems:150
mishy0077 | Poems:150
darktinkerbell | Poems:149
KaoticKitty87 | Poems:149
insanebitch2000 | Poems:143
DarkAngelBlood | Poems:143
ieatsmellysocks | Poems:143
trulybroken57 | Poems:137
Psychoace | Poems:136
i_love_sandy | Poems:134
psycho_bunny | Poems:131
MorbidSuicide666 | Poems:131
devil-dick | Poems:130
TowelytheThing | Poems:129
xxxxxxblackdragonxxxxxx | Poems:128
darkness_follows_me | Poems:127
Bloodfilledcinnabuns | Poems:125
Josh_x | Poems:124
fuzzypunkhat | Poems:123
IceBound | Poems:118
brokenxsmile | Poems:118
bloodlyvalentine | Poems:115
chaoticthoughts | Poems:114
vampire_princess | Poems:113
izzzy | Poems:113
bleedblack | Poems:113
NirvanaGirl23 | Poems:111
xXmasqueradeXgirlXx | Poems:111
XxXstitchesXxX | Poems:111
lost_and_forgotten | Poems:110
Poison Ivy | Poems:110
blackened_rose | Poems:110
AthiestAnarchist | Poems:109
Mars_Phoenix | Poems:108
piperneedshelp | Poems:107
sweetiepie89 | Poems:106
The grey raven | Poems:105
twistedmind33 | Poems:105
bloody_tears_girl | Poems:105
Open_Until_4Am | Poems:103
Dhirsti | Poems:102
omegadrax | Poems:102
LieBerthalZz gUrlie 4eVa | Poems:102
bloodyfairy | Poems:102
perfect.flaws | Poems:102
frotofski_LaVey | Poems:100
ForsakenDream | Poems:100
Firequeen | Poems:100
wixx | Poems:99
Tainted_Soul_777 | Poems:98
Xx_mistik_xX | Poems:95
GeishaGirl | Poems:93
Emo_Death_Wish | Poems:92
mattwhatever | Poems:91
EvilTiger | Poems:90
CemetaryDrive | Poems:89
Wobble | Poems:89
whatShouldUsBe | Poems:86
boom_boom13 | Poems:86
lifelessangel | Poems:86
KellyLeeWannaBe | Poems:85
Foiazzy | Poems:85
dark_love_angel | Poems:85
Death Tone | Poems:85
DaMaGeD | Poems:85
lil2twistid4u | Poems:83
Broken Phoenix | Poems:82
Dark Shady | Poems:82
crzyredhead89 | Poems:81
Treehugger | Poems:81
xfadingmemoriesx | Poems:81
Scythe42 | Poems:81
liddle xxx punk | Poems:80
sarah10087 | Poems:80
tWiZtIdWiNgZ | Poems:79
DarkWing_Unicorn | Poems:78
Ucantsaveme14 | Poems:77
deadrebel53 | Poems:76
Psycho_Penguin | Poems:76
all_yours | Poems:75
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